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Sharon Salzberg is one of America’s leading meditation teachers and she believes and practices her words, that ‘kindness costs nothing, brings joy, does as much for the giver as the…

Are you Holding Yourself Back? Are you Stuck?

Most people struggle with self-limiting beliefs and behaviours – many of which aren’t obvious to an outsider, until the person expresses or is made aware of them. I’ve found that…

12 Things to Give Up to Be Happy

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Be Careful of Not Taking Breaks

It’s nice to think that you can work for 8-10 hours straight, especially when you’re working to a deadline. But it’s impossible for anyone to focus and produce really high-quality…

Are You Happy?

ARE YOU HAPPY? Chasing happiness is a common endeavour but what do we need to be happy?  Think about the following: ACCEPT WHAT YOU HAVE Research shows that the happiest…

Some Interesting Facts About Love

MONOGAMOUS RELATIONSHIPS EXIST IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM TOO We’re not the only one in the animal kingdom that looks for a faithful relationship.  Swans, Wolves, Beavers, penguins, bald eagle, barn…

10 Great Date Nights

JOIN UP TO A DANCE COURSE Guaranteed to get you connected again, looking into each other’s eyes and moving in sync having fun HAVE A PICNIC Pack up the rugs,…

What’s your love language?

Did you know that we each have particular preferences about how we receive love and affection?  If you know and understand your own, and your partners love language, and use…

Building Up Our Resilience

Due to the busy way we live our lives theses days, building up your resilience is key to living a happier life.  Resilience helps our body withstand stress and keep…