The importance of connection for mental wellbeing

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Lessons I have learnt attending funerals

Attending a funeral is personal and emotional and in the last few years I have attended more funerals than I would like to. Some loved family members, my parents, friends and…

Who stole your energy?

Ever since I can remember I have always been fascinated by human energy and the effect it has on other individuals and situations.  I realise after becoming more aware and…

Who Am I?

The question “Who am I” can be a little bit daunting to answer as the concept of who we are can be difficult to conceptualise.  We tend to relate who we…

Chasing Happiness…

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough, and we’ll be…

Christmas Expectations and Explosions!!

Christmas can be a very stressful time of the year in the workplace and for people in their personal lives.  For many work stress loads triple and it seems like…

Take time to just “BE”

Do you ever feel like everything and everybody wants a part of you?  It seems with technology advances and the increased demands of work and life that we are constantly…

Who did you become in 2017?

Everyone is rushed off their feet at this time of the year and the deadline everybody is racing for is Christmas and the long-awaited days off.  The days are filled…